The Ukrainian Art Song Project sends you this gift of song…♪
We invite you to listen to a beautiful interpretation of
A Blossoming Rose ~ Най цьвіти-рожі зацвитуть
Yaroslav Lopatynsky, composer
Ostap Lutskyi, poet
Andrea Ludwig, mezzo soprano
Kinza Tyrell, piano
Ostap Lutsky
Translation: Uliana Pasicznyk and
Maxim Tarnawsky
Let the rose-blooms blossom
Wherever your eye gazes—
Into the foggy distance,
Onto an unknown path,
My bottomless sorrow takes me.
With sorrow and longing I shall go
Where withered leaves abound
And where my sorrow leads me,
Like the silver thread of a spider’s web.
Springtime has passed, from my youthful eyes
The world has cleared the scales.
But those days of springtime hope
I shall never forget.
The opening chords, which include the famous Tristan chord, imply that hope or love will never die and memories will never fade. Alas, spring is gone, years have elapsed… with sorrow and grief one has walked the path-of-no-return… Yet in the final cadence there is no Tristan chord!
Остап Луцький
Най цьвіти-рожі зацвитуть,
Де око твоє гляне,
У мрачну даль,
Незнану путь мій жаль
Бездонний кане.
З жалем тугою піду я,
Де листє звяле лине,
Журба де сріблом весь моя,
Мов нитка павутини.
Весна минула з юних вій,
Розвіяв сьвіт полуду,
То я з тих днів, весняних мрій,
Ніколи не забуду.
Перші акорди, які включають знаменитий Тристан-акорд, підказують нам, що надія і любов ніколи не вмирають, і спогади ніколи не йдуть у забуття. На жаль, минула вже весна, пройшли роки… з жалем і тугою пішли ми безповоротним шляхом… Але в останній каденції немає Тристан-акорда!
A doctor by profession, Yaroslav composed over 100 art songs. He possessed an exquisite talent for expressing our deepest felt feelings in a few bars: humorous in the extreme, reflective, dramatic, and always melodic.
Yaroslav studied medicine in Vienna for seven years and, during this time, fully immersed himself in musical Viennese life. Here, he composed his first art songs. Which remains his greatest contribution to Ukrainian National Music. The onset of the 1st World War precluded Yaroslav from developing his extraordinary talents yet further into the symphonic genre. However, his talents were proclaimed by Ukraine’s most eminent composers, notably Stanyslav Liudkevych and Vasyl Barvinsky.
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The Ukrainian Art Song Project has been bringing Ukraine's musical treasures to light since 2004. With your support, we will continue to bring Ukraine's finest composers and their masterpieces to the world stage, where they belong.
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